If you decide to submit your manuscript to HP3C-2025, please prepare it and submit it to Electronic Submission System before the deadline. When you click the link, you may need an account to submit the paper. If you have publication purpose, please submit full-length manuscript. Abstract submission will be considered for oral presentation on HP3C-2025.
The conference Secretary will notify you with paper ID number which is the ONLY identity number of your submission paper for the further communication. She may also offer some suggestion towards the paper.
The conference technical committee will make an overall arrangement and assign the paper for review process. It'll take about 25 days. Early result and early notification. Please pay attention to the Important Dates and be patient.
During the review process, you may also receive mail from conference secretary towards your paper. If she requires you to provide more information of the paper, please cooperate her accordingly.
After the review process, the conference will send the notification mails to author/authors of the paper. No matter it's accepted or rejected, you will be notified with the result.
The registrant‘s information is very important which will be the main contactor for the further communication. Please make sure all the information is valid and correct.
The conference secretary will reply to you with the registration result if all the required materials are submitted. The step takes within 7 days. Normally the corresponding author/registrant will receive this feedback.